Tonkinese Cat Names, Names For Tonk Kittens

Tonkinese Cat NamesTonkinese are a domestic cat breed produced by crossbreeding between the Siamese and Burmese. They share many of their parents' distinctively lively, playful personality traits and are similarly distinguished by a pointed coat pattern in a variety of colors. The breed is originated in Canada, and the common nickname of the breed is Tonk. Tonkinese are intelligent, active, vocal and generally people-oriented cats, playful and interested in everything going on around them. Check out our collection of Tonkinese cat names for male or female Tonk kittens.

Alfredwise counselMaleEnglish
AndreaFeminine form of Andrew manly FemaleItalian
ArielleLion Of GodUnisexHebrew
BaldricBold, Powerful, Brave RulerUnisexEnglish
Baldwinbold friendMale
Blainethin, lean, source of a riverMaleIrish
Blakefair-haired, pallidMaleEnglish
Brendafiery hill, sword-bladeFemaleCeltic
BryssaFrom Briseis the woman Achilles loved in Homer's Iliad. Female
CalvinoBald Male
CarbonSoft, black material. Carbon copying paper.Unisex
CassieAbbreviation of Cassandra. Unheeded prophetess. In Homer's The Iliad Cassandra's prediction of the fall of Troy was unheeded. FemaleEnglish
CherryVarious trees that produce red to black fruit.FemaleFruit
Chesterfortress, walled town,MaleLatin
CosmoOrder, universe. MaleItalian
CycloneA violent rotating windstorm.Unisex
DaleLives in the valley MaleEnglish
Damonconstant, dayMaleEnglish
Darcy from ArcyMaleEnglish

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