Ginger Cat Names, Names For Ginger Kittens

Ginger Cat NamesGinger cats refer to the felines of the ginger color, they are friendly and more approachable. In the United States, they are called orange-colored cats. In the United Kingdom and several other countries, the color is expressed as ginger. Ginger cats deserve ginger names, here comes our collection of ginger cat names for your boy or girl kittens. These names are related to the ginger color, and they make good names for your little ginger kittens.

Adamearth, created by GodMaleHebrew
AlaniOrange TreeFemaleHawaiian
AmberA hard brownish-yellow fossil resin, precious jewelFemaleWord
AnniePrayer FemaleEnglish
ApricotEdible yellow orange fruit.Unisex
ArchieOne who is bold MaleEnglish
AutumnSeason between summer and winter.Female
BlueA colour between green and indigo. Gloomy or depressed.MaleColor
BryceSon of a nobleman MaleEnglish
ButtercupA bright yellow flowered plant. Also a term of endearment.Female
Carrot TopUnisexHebrew
CayenneRed ground spice from several varieties of capsicumFemaleWord
CherryVarious trees that produce red to black fruit.FemaleFruit
Chesterfortress, walled town,MaleLatin
Clancyoffspring of red-headed soldierMaleIrish
Clementinemild, mercifulFemale
Colbycoal townMaleEnglish

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