Happy Cat Names, Names Mean Happiness

Happy Cat NamesCats bring happiness to our life, and they can surely smile, so why not consider choosing a cat name that describes the feeling of happiness. A happy cat name is a wonderful idea, it suggests an upbeat personality and character. Everyone will be happy when he hears a warm, welcoming, positive sense of the cat name. Check out our collection of happy cat names, most of them are inspired from happiness or mean happy.

Abigail"my father is joyful"FemaleHebrew
AlisaHappy FemaleHebrew
AmyBeloved. FemaleLatin
Ariellioness of godFemaleHebrew
Asherfortunate, lucky, blessed, happyMaleHebrew
Audennamed after the poet W.H. AudenMaleEnglish
AudreyStrong and nobleFemaleEnglish
Beatriceblessed; she who brings happinessFemaleLatin
BelleBeautiful womanFemaleShort
Blissintense happinessMaleEnglish
Bonniesweet and goodFemaleScottish
BuzzTo move quickly and busily, to bustleMaleModern
Carolinafree manFemaleEnglish
Carolinestrong, melody, songFemale
CharityAffection, Charity, Brotherly LoveFemaleLatin
CleoFrom Cleopatra - Her father's gloryFemaleGreek
CleoFrom Cleopatra - Her father's gloryFemaleGreek
DaisyDay's eye. A flower name. Female
DaisyDay's eye. A flower name. Female
DarwinBeloved friend.MaleEnglish
DashiellPage BoyMaleFrench

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