Nature Cat Names, Names Inspired from Nature

Nature Cat NamesNature is a huge resource for cat names, you will find dozens of names on the theme of nature. You can get inspirations from plants, flowers, trees and fruits names, you get also get ideas from colors and seasons. Everything in the nature is ok for a cat name. Check out our great collection of nature cat names and pick the perfect one for your little kitten.

AdairFrom the oak tree ford. MaleScottish
AmberA hard brownish-yellow fossil resin, precious jewelFemaleWord
AmbrosiaDivine, immortal one. The food of the Gods. Dessert with oranges and flaked coconut.FemaleGreek
Amethysta precious stoneFemale
Andromedabeautiful maiden rescued by perseusFemaleGreek
Angelicadivine messengerFemaleItalian
AppleA firm round red or green fruit. Also one that is treasured - the apple of my eye.FemaleNature
AquariusWater BearerFemaleLatin
Aries"a ram"MaleLatin
AshAsh tree. MaleEnglish
AspenAspen TreeFemaleEnglish
AtlasEndures, SuffersMaleGreek
AutumnSeason between summer and winter.Female
AvaCute and short girl kitten name. FemaleLatin
BadgerBurrowing mammal with white stripe on forehead. Also verb to pester or harass.Unisex
BambooTall woody grass like plant from Asia.MaleWord
BarleyA cereal of the grass family used for livestock feed and in soups.MaleEnglish

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