Tabby Cat Names, Distinctive Names for Tabby Kittens

Tabby Cat NamesTabby cats have beautiful markings, with strips, swirl and dots, so many people love tabby cats. If you like tabby cats and you just have a new tabby kitten, you have to looking for a tabby cat name for him or her. Most of the tabby cat names are based on their beautiful coat pattern, check out the below list at and enjoy!

AbbeyGod Is JoyUnisexEnglish
Aberforth DumbledoreUnisex
Abigail"my father is joyful"FemaleHebrew
Abnerfather of lightMaleHebrew
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AdairFrom the oak tree ford. MaleScottish
AdelineSweet: of the nobility. Noble. Female
AdriyelOf God's flock Male
Agnespure, virginalFemaleGreek
AineArdent FemaleIrish
AkanshaWish or desire. Female
Alaskagreat landFemaleNative
Alaskagreat landFemaleNative
AleiahFlower, the love of the outside.. my granddaughter Female
Algie LongbottomNeville's great uncle. Male
AlizaJoy. Joyful. FemaleHebrew
AmaliaIndustrious. Striving. FemaleLatinized
AmberA hard brownish-yellow fossil resin, precious jewelFemaleWord
Amelia BonesHead of Dept. of Magical Law Enforcement. Female
Amos DiggoryCedric's father. Male
AnarosaGrace. favor. Variant of Anna. Female

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