Balinese Cat Names, Names For Long-haired Siamese Kittens

Balinese Cat NamesThe Balinese, also known as the purebred long-haired Siamese, is a long-haired breed of domestic cat with Siamese-style point coloration and sapphire-blue eyes. The breed has a medium-length silky coat and a distinctively plumed tail. Balinese are sociable, vocal, playful and inquisitive, and considered among the most intelligent of all long-haired breeds. Check out our collection of Balinese cat names for your beloved Balinese kittens.

AbbaFather MaleHebrew
AbbyMy father rejoices. Biblical: the name of King David's third wife described as good in discretion and beautiful in form. FemaleEnglish
AbrahamMeaniing Father of a multitude Abraham the first of the Old Testament patriarchs. God changed it from Abram when He appointed him to be the father of the Hebrew nation. MaleHebrew
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
Achilleswithout lips, brown, darkMaleGreek
Adahappy, ornamentFemale
Adamearth, created by GodMaleHebrew
AdelaPleasant: Of the nobility. Noble. Female
Adonisman loved by aphrodite, handsome,.MaleGreek
Agathagood, kindFemaleGreek
Aidajoyful, helper, rewardFemaleArabic
AikoLove, beloved one, little loveFemaleJapanese
AkerEgyptian mythology: the lion who guards the gates of dawnUnisex
AlFrom The Name AlbertUnisexGerman
AlFrom The Name AlbertUnisexGerman
Alabamavegetation gatherersFemalePlace-name

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