Alfred: Meaning of cat name Alfred

Pronunciation: [Al-fred]

Gender of Alfred: Male

Meaning of Alfred: wise counsel

Origin of Alfred: English

Alfred is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Alfred is "elf or magical counsel". Queen Victoria named her second son Alfred.

Variant Forms:

AlFrom The Name AlbertUnisexGerman
AlFrom The Name AlbertUnisexGerman
AlfEnglish, "wise counselor"MaleEnglish
Alfiewise counselorMaleEnglish
AlfredoElf CounselorUnisexItalian
Averyruler of the elvesFemaleEnglish
FredFrom Frederick - Peaceful ruler.Male
Freddiepeaceful rulerMaleDininutive
FreddyVariant of Frederick peaceful ruler.) MaleEnglish
Fredofrom The GodfatherUnisex

Famous People Named Alfred:

Alfredo Stroessner was the President of Paraguay who ruled his country with an iron grip for over three decades.

Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco was an Ecuadorian writer, best known for his work as a novelist, essayist and journalist.

Alfred Stieglitz is credited for altering the perception of people towards photography.

Alfred Sisley was widely acclaimed for his landscape paintings depicting the rural French life.

Alfred Schnittke was a Russian composer famous for his unique approach for composing music known as ‘polystylism’.

Alfred Russel Wallace was a British scientist and explorer, best known for discovering the concept of evolution by natural selection.

Alfred Rosenberg was one of the leading ideologists of the Nazi Party who played a decisive role in shaping Nazi philosophy.

Alfred P. Sloan was an American business executive and philanthropist, known for his notable contributions to automotive industry.

Alfred Noyes was an English author, notably known for his ballads ‘The Highwayman’ and ‘The Barrel-Organ’.

Alfred North Whitehead was a British Mathematician who turned into a philosopher.

Alfred Nobel was the inventor of dynamite and a manufacturer of arms who left his vast fortunes to institute the Nobel Prizes.

Alfred Newman was one of the most respected and famous music composers.

Alfred Marshall was a great economist who authored ‘Principles of Economics’.

Alfred Lord Tennyson was a famous English poet who also served as the poet laureate of United Kingdom.

Alfred Loisy was a famous French Roman Catholic priest.

Alfred L. Kroeber was an American cultural anthropologist.

Alfred Korzybski was a Polish American scholar who developed a field called general semantics.

Alfred Kinsey was an American sexologist who ushered in the “Sexual Revolution”.

Alfred Jodl was a top German military commander during the World War II and one of the leaders in the Nazi movement.

Alfred Hitchcock was an English movie director, famously dubbed as the ‘The Master of Suspense’.

Alfred Emanuel Smith was an American politician who was elected as the Governor of New York for four times.

Alfred Eisenstaedt was known as "the father of photojournalism".

Alfred Doblin was a physician cum novelist best known for the novel ‘Berlin Alexanderplatz’.

Alfred de Vigny was a philosophical French Romantic writer.

Alfred de Musset was a French dramatist and poet, regarded as one of the first Romantic writers.

Alfred Day Hershey was an American bacteriologist and geneticist who won the 1969 Noble Prize in Medicine.

Alfred Blalock was a renowned cardiologist and was responsible in changing the fate of cardiovascular science forever.

Alfred Adler was a physician and psychotherapist famous for founding the school of Individual Psychology.

A. Alfred Taubman was an American entrepreneur and philanthropist known for conceptualizing the modern shopping malls.

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