Abyssinian Cat Names, Cat Names of Abyssinian Breed

Abyssinian Cat NamesAbyssinian is a breed of domesticated cat with a distinctive ticket coat, it is also known as Aby by owners and breeders. Abyssinian breed cats are bred in variety of colors, including ruddy, red, blue and fawn. Abyssinian cats are often associated with Ethiopia, which is a mystery African country. Although Abyssinian cat breed may originated in Egypt. Check out the below list for Abyssinian cat names, pick up your perfect choice for your little Abyssinian kitten.

AbbyMy father rejoices. Biblical: the name of King David's third wife described as good in discretion and beautiful in form. FemaleEnglish
Ace Of SpadesMaleHebrew
AddisSon Of AdamUnisexEnglish
AdelinaSweet or noble FemaleItalian
AdinaSlender. FemaleHebrew
Africapleasing, pleasantFemalePlace
Aidajoyful, helper, rewardFemaleArabic
AindreasStrong Male
AineArdent FemaleIrish
AjaniHe Who Wins the Struggle. Victorious. MaleNigerian
AkanshaWish or desire. Female
Alaskagreat landFemaleNative
Alaskagreat landFemaleNative
AlbertaFeminine of Albert. Noble: bright. FemaleEnglish
Alexa"defending men"FemaleEnglish
AlexandriaFeminine of Alexander. Defender of mankind. FemaleEnglish
Algie LongbottomNeville's great uncle. Male
AliMuslim - Noble, Exalted, God, little, the highestMaleArabic
AmandaLovable FemaleLatin
AmarisAmaris meaning child of the moon is the astrological name for Cancer. Female

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