Celtic Cat Names, Cat Names of Celtic Origin

Celtic Cat NamesIf you are a celtic fan, or if you have a celtic origin cat, then you can consider naming your kitten with a celtic cat name. Many of the celtic cat names are poetic and mystical, by this way you can give your cat a unique and varied cat name. We collect most of the celtic cat names here at icatnames.com, check out the below list for your inspirations.

AdairFrom the oak tree ford. MaleScottish
Adamearth, created by GodMaleHebrew
Adrianrich, wealthy, dark oneMaleLatin
Aidanhelp, little fireMaleIrish
AinaJoy Female
AineArdent FemaleIrish
AinmireGreat lord Male
Alanhandsome, cheerful, nobleMaleIrish
Albertnoble and brightMaleEnglish
Alexanderprotector of mankindMaleGreek
AlleneBeautiful Female
AlmaSpanish for soulFemaleLatin
Angussuperb, uniqueMaleAnglicized
ArdalHigh EsteemUnisexIrish
ArianaSilver. FemaleItalian
ArienhOath Female
ArlanOath Male
ArlanaAn oath Female
ArleenAn oath Female
ArlenOath MaleIrish
Artnoble one; bear manMaleEnglish
ArthurStrong as a rock, noble, follower of ThorMaleCeltic
Arwennoble maidenFemaleWelsh
AustinFrom Augustine - Exalted oneMaleEnglish

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