Burmese Cat Names, Cat Names of Burmese Breed

Burmese Cat NamesBurmese is a lively and affectionate cat breed originated in Thailand. They have a sleek and glossy coat, they are playful and get on well with everyone. Cat names for Burmese are mostly based on its coat, its playful character and its beautiful outlooking. Check out our Burmese cat names for your little kitten here at icatnames.com.

Alvinelf wine, noble friendMaleEnglish
AmosBrave MaleHebrew
AndreaFeminine form of Andrew manly FemaleItalian
ArtyBear, StoneUnisexEnglish
AvaCute and short girl kitten name. FemaleLatin
Aylaoak treeFemaleHebrew
BagelRing shaped roll with a chewy textureUnisex
Baileybailiff, fortification, ableFemaleOccupational
BambooTall woody grass like plant from Asia.MaleWord
Bernicebringer of victoryFemaleGreek
BernieBrave As A BearUnisexGerman
BongoConnected drums played by beating with hands.Unisex
BrandyAn alcoholic liquor distilled from wineFemaleDutch
BridgetStrength. Mythological Celtic goddess of fire and poetry. FemaleAnglicized
BrodieFrom Brodie MaleScottish
BroncoA wild horseMaleSpanish
Bronsonson of Brown, son of the dark-skinned oneMaleEnglish

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