French Cat Names, Cat Names of French Origin

French Cat NamesIf you like the French language and culture, or you have a cat originated in French, it is a cool idea to choose a French cat name for your little kitten. There are lots of great cat names from French language, and we have collected most of them for you here at Check out the below French cat names and pick up a perfect one for your beloved cat.

Abelardresolute, keeper of the abbey larderMale
Absolonfrom Chaucer's Cabterbury TalesUnisex
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AddieNoble, KindFemaleEnglish
AdelaPleasant: Of the nobility. Noble. Female
Adelaidenoble kind, adornedFemaleVariant
AdelinaSweet or noble FemaleItalian
AdelineSweet: of the nobility. Noble. Female
Agnespure, virginalFemaleGreek
Aidajoyful, helper, rewardFemaleArabic
Aidanhelp, little fireMaleIrish
Albertnoble and brightMaleEnglish
AlbertaFeminine of Albert. Noble: bright. FemaleEnglish
AlisonGerman, nobleFemale
AlixVariation Of Alexander. Defender Of Mankind.FemaleFrench
Alphonsenoble estate, eagerMale
Alvinelf wine, noble friendMaleEnglish
AmableLovable, BeautifulUnisexLatin
Amelieafter the movieFemale

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