Scottish Cat Names, Page 4

DavidsonDavid's son MaleEnglish
DavisDavid's son MaleSurname
Deboraha bee, to speak kind wordsFemaleHebrew.
DinaFrom The ValleyFemaleEnglish
DixieAbbreviation of Richard. In the USA Dixie refers to the French word for ten: also to the southern states below the Mason- Dixon line. FemaleLatin
Donaldruler of the world, brown strangerMaleScottish
DoogieDark RiverUnisexEnglish
DougFrom The Dark WaterUnisexScottish
DougalBlack strangerMaleScottish
DouglassDark WaterUnisexEnglish
Doyleblack strangerMaleIrish
Drewsturdy, visionMaleEnglish
DuncanDark complexioned warrior.MaleScottish
Dundeeafter the MarmeladeMaleScottish
EffieSpoken Well OfFemaleScottish
Ellabeautiful fairy woman, allFemale
Elliotthe Lord is my GodMaleAnglicization
Elsiepledged to GodFemaleEnglish
Elspethpledged to GodFemaleScottish
ErrolEnglish aristocratic titleMaleScottish
Evanyoung warrior, well-bornUnisex
Evanderearly founder of rome, benevolent rulerUnisex
FangA long pointed tooth.Unisex

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