Scottish Cat Names, Page 2

Bethhouse of godFemaleEnglish
Billyresolute protectionMaleEnglish
Blainethin, lean, source of a riverMaleIrish
BlaireField Of Battle.UnisexScottish
Blakefair-haired, pallidMaleEnglish
Bonniesweet and goodFemaleScottish
Brendafiery hill, sword-bladeFemaleCeltic
Briceswift, quick-moving, son of RiceMaleScottish
BrodenReference to Castle Brodie in Scotland. Male
BrodericBrother. Male
Broderickson of Roderick, from the broad ridgeMaleNorse
BrodieFrom Brodie MaleScottish
BrodricBrother. Male
BrodrickBrother. Male
BrodyFrom the muddy place. Surname. MaleIrish
BroehainBroken Male
Brucethicket, woodlandsMaleScottish
BryceSon of a nobleman MaleEnglish
BrycenVariant of Bryce. Male
BrycetonVariant of Bryce. Male
BrysonVariant of Bryce. MaleEnglish
Busbyshrub farmMaleEnglish
Camdenfrom the winding valleyMaleScottish
CameronClan name meaning Bent nose. MaleScottish

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