Ragdoll Cat Names, Page 11

J.R.after the TV character in DallasUnisex
Jack SloperUnisex
JacquelinFrench form of Jacob Male
JacquelineFeminine form of Jacques Female
James PotterHarry's father who was killed by Lord Voldemort. Male
JasperBlack stone MalePersian
JasperBlack stone MalePersian
JasperBlack stone MalePersian
JavanSon of Japtheth MaleHebrew
JavieroBorn in January Male
JemmaItalian, precious stoneFemaleSpelling
JeroldVariant of Gerald Rules by the spear. Male
JesusaNamed for Jesus Female
JoaquinAbbreviation of the Hebrew name Jehoichin meaning Jehovah has established. Joaquin Miller the colorful 19th century poet-adventurer of the American west. MaleSpanish
JoellenJehovah is God. Feminine of Joel. Female
JonahDove. In the bible Jonah was on board a ship God caused to sink: sailors traditionally use the name Jonah to personify someone who brings bad luck. MaleHebrew
JoreGod will uplift Male
JosephineGod will increaseFemale
JoshuaGod is salvation MaleHebrew
Julesyouthful; soft, downyMale
JuliaYouthful FemaleLatin

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