Hockey Cat Names, Names After Hockey Players

Hockey Cat NamesIf you are fond of the sport hockey, you may find inspirations from hockey when you are looking for a name for your newborn kittens. Cat names ideas can be inspired from the Stanley Cup Playoffs to many greatest hockey players of all time. We have prepared everything for you, just check out our complete collection of hockey cat names and pick your favorite one.

Aaronshining light, high mountain, messengerMaleHebrew
AbbyMy father rejoices. Biblical: the name of King David's third wife described as good in discretion and beautiful in form. FemaleEnglish
Adamearth, created by GodMaleHebrew
Alex"defending men"MaleEnglish
Alexanderprotector of mankindMaleGreek
Alexis"defending men"FemaleEnglish
AmyBeloved. FemaleLatin
AndreaFeminine form of Andrew manly FemaleItalian
Andrewmanly, valiant, courageousMaleGreek
Anthony"priceless one"MaleLatin
Armstrongstrong armsMaleEnglish
Artnoble one; bear manMaleEnglish
BernieBrave As A BearUnisexGerman
BlueA colour between green and indigo. Gloomy or depressed.MaleColor
Bobbybright fameMaleEnglish
BradEnglish, wide meadowMaleEnglish
BrandyAn alcoholic liquor distilled from wineFemaleDutch
Bretta native of Brittany, BritonMaleCeltic
BrittanyA Britain.FemaleEnglish
Brooksof the brookMaleEnglish
Bryanstrong, virtuous, and honorableMaleEnglish
Bunnylittle rabbitFemaleNickname

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