Anthony: Meaning of cat name Anthony

Pronunciation: [An-tho-ny]

Gender of Anthony: Male

Meaning of Anthony: "priceless one"

Origin of Anthony: Latin

Highly praiseworthy.

Variant Forms:

AndyGreek, "strong and manly"MaleEnglish
AntonLatin, priceless oneMale
Antonio"priceless one"MaleSpanish
AntonyPraiseworthy, FlourishingUnisexLatin
Tonipriceless oneFemaleEnglish
Tonypriceless oneMaleEnglish

Famous People Named Anthony:

Marc Anthony is a singer, lyricist, record producer, television producer and actor.

Carmelo Anthony is a professional basketball player who plays for the New York Knicks.

Anthony Wayne was an American Army officer and statesman.

Anthony Kiedis is a musician famous for being the vocalist cum lyricist of the band Red Hot Chili Pepper.

Anthony Hopkins is considered to be one of the greatest actors ever.

Anthony Fokker was a Dutch innovator and industrialist who contributed greatly to the world of aviation.

Anthony De Mello was a Jesuit priest, gained recognition for his spiritual conferences and writings.

Anthony Burgess was one of the most prominent English writers of the 20th century.

Anthony Bourdain is a celebrity chef and the author of ‘Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly’.

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