Hipster Cat Names, Page 4

DixieAbbreviation of Richard. In the USA Dixie refers to the French word for ten: also to the southern states below the Mason- Dixon line. FemaleLatin
DjangoI awakeMale
Drewsturdy, visionMaleEnglish
DukeHighest ranking noblemanMaleEnglish
DuncanDark complexioned warrior.MaleScottish
DustyCovered with dust, tinged with greyUnisex
Eamonwealthy protectorMaleIrish
EarlA British nobleman equivalent to a European countMaleEnglish
EdgarFortunate and powerful. Male
Edieprosperous in warFemaleEnglish
EdisonSon of Edward MaleEnglish
EdithHappy warfare. Spoils of war. FemaleEnglish
Ednapleasure, delightFemaleHebrew
EffieSpoken Well OfFemaleScottish
Ellabeautiful fairy woman, allFemale
Eloiseintelligent, smartFemale
ElvisElf-wise friend. Variant of Alvin. Made famous by singer and actor Elvis Presley. MaleMeaning
Ettaafter the Blues singer Etta JamesFemaleEnglish
EudoraDelightful GiftUnisex
EverettBrave BoarUnisexEnglish
Fallongrandchild of the ruler, in chargeMaleIrish
Farrahbeautiful, wild assFemaleArabic
FelixLucky MaleLatin

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