Hipster Cat Names, Page 12

SmudgeA blotch or smearMale
Stellaa starFemaleLatin
Stellaa starFemaleLatin
Sullivanblack-eyed oneMaleIrish
SuzetteLily. Variant of Hebrew Susannah. In the apocryphal Book of Tobit Susannah courageously defended herself against wrongful accusation. White lilies grew in the Biblical city of Susa in Persia. Female
Sylviefrom the forestFemale
Tallulahleaping waterFemaleIrish
Talullahlady of abundanceFemaleIrish
Tennysonafter Alfred Lord Tennyson, english poet 1809-1892MaleEnglish
TessaAbbreviation of Teresa which is a popular saint's name of uncertain meaning. FemaleEnglish
TessieAbbreviation of Teresa which is a popular saint's name of uncertain meaning. FemaleEnglish
Theodivine giftMaleEnglish
Tilliebattle mightyFemaleEnglish
TobyGod is GoodMaleEnglish
TomasinaVariant Of Thomasina TwinUnisexEnglish
VanGod Is GraciousMaleEnglish
WaldoPowerful. Abbreviation of Oswald. Male
WatsonSon of Walter MaleEnglish
WendyLiterary: a created name that first appeared in James Banie's Peter Pan. FemaleLiterary

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