Greek Cat Names, Page 7

Demetriuslover of the earth, given to the Earth goddessMaleGreek
DennisNamed for Saint Denys Male
DevanDivine. Female
DevanaDivine. Female
Dexterdyer, right-handedMaleLatin
DillonBorn Near The SeaMaleWelsh
DimitriEarth GoddessMaleFrench
DiomedesCunning as ZeusUnisexGreek
DionShort for DionysusMaleGreek
Dionysusalso Dionysos and Dionysis, Greek mythology: god of wine, also known as BacchusUnisex
DominiqueBelonging to GodMale
Dorianplace nameMaleGreek
Dorothya gift of godFemaleEnglish
EbonyA tropical tree of southern Asia with hard, dark woodFemaleEnglish
EchoRepetition of a sound caused by the reflection of sound waves. For one that barks or meows a lot. A nymphMaleGreek
Eleanorlight, mercyFemaleEnglish
Electrabright, the shining oneFemaleGreek
Elenilight or torchFemaleGreek
EliasJehovah is GodMaleGreek
ElizaThe ChosenFemaleEnglish
Ellabeautiful fairy woman, allFemale
Elleafter the lead character from the movie Legally BlondeFemale

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