Greek Cat Names, Page 11

JeanetteFrench variation of Jean, God is graciousFemale
Jeffreypledge of peaceMaleSpelling
JenesisCreation or Beginning Female
JoaquinaGod shall establish FemaleSpanish
JockGod has been gracious: has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. MaleScottish
JohnnieModern feminine of John and Jon. MaleEnglish
JordyFlow, DescendUnisexEnglish
JoseJehovah increasesMaleSpanish
JosephineGod will increaseFemale
JovanJove-like, majesticMaleSlavic
Juliusafter Julius CaesarMaleLatin
Justinjust, trueMaleLatin
KareenaPure, innocent, female friend Female
KarisGraceful. Female
KarstenBlessed or annointed one. Alternate Spelling: Carsten. Variant of Kristian. MaleSpelling
KassandraShining On MankindUnisexGreek
KatherinePure. Used since third century A.D. Early Latin forms Katerina and Caterina became Katharine and Catherine. French Cateline and English Catlyn came into wider use during medieval period when variants multiplied. FemaleGreek
KatinaPure, UnsulliedUnisexGreek
KeirstenVariant of Kirsten. Female
KhristianAnointed, follows Christ. Male

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