Chausie Cat Names, Names For Chausie Kittens

Chausie Cat NamesThe Chausie is a domestic breed of cat that was developed by breeding a few individuals from the nondomestic species jungle cat to a far greater number of domestic cats. Chausies should be tall, long, and lean, with very long legs and medium boning. The torso is deep-chested with flat sides. The ears are broad, tall, and set high on the head, about two fingers apart. The coat is short, and the cats can come in three colors: solid black, black grizzled tabby, and black ticked tabby. Here comes our collection of Chausie cat names for male or female kittens.

AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
Amadeusafter MozartMaleLatin
Angussuperb, uniqueMaleAnglicized
Apollothe mythological god of light and truthMaleGreek
Argusbright, watchfulMaleGreek
AshAsh tree. MaleEnglish
Asherfortunate, lucky, blessed, happyMaleHebrew
Ashtonash trees placeMaleEnglish
AtlasEndures, SuffersMaleGreek
Atticusfrom AtticaMaleLatin
Azraelhelp of GodMaleHebrew
BanditAn outlaw or robberMaleWord
BaronA low ranking nobleman.MaleEnglish
BaronessA low ranking nobleman's wife.Unisex
BearLarge mammal with large head, bulky body and coarse thick furMaleAnimal

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