Celebrity Cat Names, Names Inspired From Celebrities

Celebrity Cat NamesCelebrities are always the focus of the world, along with their children and pets. They will provide you lots of ideas for cat names. You can name your newborn kitten after one of your favorite celebrities, or even the names of their children and pets. This is the best way to pay your tribute to your idols. Check out our collection of celebrity cat names and pick one for your male or female kittens.

Aaliyahhigh exalted, to ascendFemaleEnglish
AbbeyGod Is JoyUnisexEnglish
Abelbreath, childMaleHebrew
AbrahamMeaniing Father of a multitude Abraham the first of the Old Testament patriarchs. God changed it from Abram when He appointed him to be the father of the Hebrew nation. MaleHebrew
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
Adelaidenoble kind, adornedFemaleVariant
AdelinaSweet or noble FemaleItalian
AdelineSweet: of the nobility. Noble. Female
Adrianrich, wealthy, dark oneMaleLatin
Alabamavegetation gatherersFemalePlace-name
Alexanderprotector of mankindMaleGreek
Alexis"defending men"FemaleEnglish
Alfredwise counselMaleEnglish
AliceTruth, nobleFemale
AmyBeloved. FemaleLatin
AndersonSon Of AndrewMaleScottish
Andrewmanly, valiant, courageousMaleGreek
AngelAngel MaleWord
AngelinaAngel FemaleGreek
AnnabelBeautiful GraceFemaleScottish
Antonio"priceless one"MaleSpanish
Apollothe mythological god of light and truthMaleGreek
AppleA firm round red or green fruit. Also one that is treasured - the apple of my eye.FemaleNature

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