British Shorthair Cat Names

British Shorthair Cat NamesThe British Shorthair is a wonderful domesticated cat breed with an independent and carefree attitude. They love attention, but are not demanding and are quite happy to spend time alone. British Shorthair cat names are inspirated from their stocky and muscular bodies, intelligent and quietly characters. Choose your perfect cat name from the below list and enjoy!

AbbeyGod Is JoyUnisexEnglish
Alfiewise counselorMaleEnglish
Alfredwise counselMaleEnglish
Alistairdefending warriorMaleEnglish
AmandaLovable FemaleLatin
AmyBeloved. FemaleLatin
Andrewmanly, valiant, courageousMaleGreek
AndyGreek, "strong and manly"MaleEnglish
AngelAngel MaleWord
AngelaAngel FemaleLatin
Baileybailiff, fortification, ableFemaleOccupational
Barbaraforeign, strange, exotic, mysteriousFemaleLatin
BaronessA low ranking nobleman's wife.Unisex
BettyDevoted to God FemaleEnglish
Big BenUnisexHebrew
Billyresolute protectionMaleEnglish
BingoA game where numbers are drawn and announced by a callerMaleWord
Bobbybright fameMaleEnglish
BorisA fighter, battlerMaleSlavic
BubblesThin spherical liquid filled with gas. Irrepressible activity.Male
BubblesThin spherical liquid filled with gas. Irrepressible activity.Male
Burtonbright fameMaleEnglish

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