Sweet Cat Names, Page 8

Irawatchful, descendantMaleHebrew
Irisrainbow, a play of coloursFemale
Ivyivy plant, a wineFemalePlant
JaceHebrew, the Lord is salvationMaleHebrew
Jackafter the Georgetown University mascot, Jack the BulldogMaleEnglish
JackFrom John - God's gracious giftMaleEnglish
JadeJewel. Courageous and adoring. FemaleSpanish
JakeFrom Jacob - To fill the place of anotherMaleHebrew
JamesFrom Jacob - To fill the place of another, supplanter.MaleEnglish
JanaFeminine variation of JohnFemaleCzech
Janegracious, merciful, God is graciousFemaleEnglish
JasmineFlower FemalePersian
Jasonthe Lord is salvationMaleHebrew
JaxGod has been gracious: has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. MaleModern
JeanGod is graciousMale
Jennawhite shadow, white waveFemaleEnglish
JettJet Black GemMaleEnglish
JoelGod is willing, Jehova is the LordMaleHebrew
JohnGod is mercifulMaleHebrew
JolieFrench for prettyFemale
JoshGod SavesUnisexEnglish

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