Sporty Cat Names, Names Inspired from Sports and Athletes

Sporty Cat NamesSome people have newborn kittens but they still have not found a name. Sporty names are one of the choices of unique and cool cat names. If you are athletic then you may want a name that kind of sounds sporty and preppy. Sporty cat names are not so trendy, but they are really cool names for those people like sports. You may get inspirations from one of the famous athletes, you may also get some ideas from sports things or Olympics.

AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AliMuslim - Noble, Exalted, God, little, the highestMaleArabic
Altheahealer, wholesomeFemaleGreek
AndreManly; Brave. Variant Of English Andrew.MaleFrench
AnnaArthur's sister FemaleGreek
AnnikaNamed after most powerful Goddess in Hinduism. FemaleSwedish
Armstrongstrong armsMaleEnglish
ArnoldThe eagle rules. MaleEnglish
Augustmajestic, venerableMale
AustinFrom Augustine - Exalted oneMaleEnglish
BabeA baby. Slang for young womanFemaleWord
Beckhamhomestead by the streamMaleEnglish
Bladeglory, The expanded part of a leaf, particularly grassesMaleWord
BlueA colour between green and indigo. Gloomy or depressed.MaleColor
BoNickname made popular by actress Bo Derek. MaleNorse
Bonniesweet and goodFemaleScottish
BorisA fighter, battlerMaleSlavic
Bradshawbroad forestMaleEnglish

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