River Cat Names, Names Inspired By Famous Rivers

River Cat NamesThere are countless rivers around the world, and many of them have beautiful names and stories. Of course you could name your beloved kittens after one of these rivers, especially a river has the special meanings to your family. We have pulled together a collection of river-inspired cat names for you, and some of the names have the meaning of rivers in various origins, some of them are inspired by famous rivers, just feel free to choose your favorite name for your male or female cats.

Achilleswithout lips, brown, darkMaleGreek
AlmaSpanish for soulFemaleLatin
AltonFrom The Old ManorMaleEnglish
AlunIrish, handsome, cheerfulMaleWelsh
AntonLatin, priceless oneMale
ArrowA straight, thin, pointed shaft shot from a bowMaleWord
AshAsh tree. MaleEnglish
AshfordLives By The Ash-Tree FordUnisexEnglish
BainFrom Banbridge, Meaning Fair BridgeMaleIrish
BayouA marshy creek.MaleNature
Beckhamhomestead by the streamMaleEnglish
Beverlymeadow of beaversFemaleEnglish
Blainethin, lean, source of a riverMaleIrish
Boyntoncartoon character by Sandra BoyntonMaleIrish
Brookesmall streamFemaleEnglish
Brooksof the brookMaleEnglish
CameronClan name meaning Bent nose. MaleScottish
Cartercart driverMaleEnglish
Caryhonest one, shyMaleLatin
ChadDefence MaleEnglish
ChampA champion.Male

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