Playful Cat Names, Names for Playful Kittens

Playful Cat NamesCats are surely playful, they love to play with anything they can get their paws on. Sometimes they will stay somewhere and fall asleep, but if they are awake they love to play and they can even invent something to keep entertained. Some of the cat names are also playful. If you like playful cat names you may choose one for your naughty kittens, they will fit perfectly.

Aaliyahhigh exalted, to ascendFemaleEnglish
AbileneGrass, A PlainMaleEnglish
AdriannaOf Hadria, ItalyUnisexEnglish
AleshaneeShe plays all the time Female
AlexandraFeminine of Alexander. Defender of mankind. FemaleGreek
AliceTruth, nobleFemale
Arabellayielding to prayerFemaleLatin
ArianaSilver. FemaleItalian
ArrowA straight, thin, pointed shaft shot from a bowMaleWord
AshlynRoots: Ashley&LynFemaleEnglish
AvrilBorn In AprilFemaleEnglish
BarbieTraveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. FemaleEnglish
BeckyThe EnsnarerFemaleEnglish
BellaBeautiful FemaleEnglish
BellaBeautiful FemaleEnglish
BernieBrave As A BearUnisexGerman
Billyresolute protectionMaleEnglish
BingoA game where numbers are drawn and announced by a callerMaleWord

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