Orange Cat Names, Page 9

HugoIntelligent MaleLatinized
IgnaciaFire FemaleLatin
Ilianafrom Ilium or TroyFemaleGreek
IsabellCommitted to God. Female
IsoldRule of ice Female
JacalynFeminine of Jacques derived from James and Jacob. Female
JacquelynFeminine of Jacques derived from James and Jacob. Female
JamaicaIsle with many springsFemalePlace-name
JavieraOwns a new house FemaleSpanish
JefferyPeaceful. Variant of Geoffrey in use since medieval times. Male
JeremiahExalted of the Lord MaleHebrew
Jim McguffinMuggle weatherman. Male
JoaquinaGod shall establish FemaleSpanish
JohnsonSon of John MaleEnglish
JoreGod will uplift Male
JulianJove's child. Form of Julius and family clan name of several powerful Roman emperors. Biblical Roman centurion Julius saved Paul's life during a hazardous voyage MaleEnglish
Juliusafter Julius CaesarMaleLatin
JunkyMessy, related to junk. Meaningless junk.Male
KareenaPure, innocent, female friend Female
KatherinePure. Used since third century A.D. Early Latin forms Katerina and Caterina became Katharine and Catherine. French Cateline and English Catlyn came into wider use during medieval period when variants multiplied. FemaleGreek
KattrinaPure. Female
KeeganA thinker: fiery. Form of Hugh. MaleIrish

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