Old-Fashioned Cat Names, Page 4

Clementinemild, mercifulFemale
CliffordLives by the ford near the cliff MaleEnglish
ClydeNature nameMaleScottish
Conradbrave counselMale
CordeliaIn Shakespeare's King Lear a woman of rare honesty. FemaleLatin
Crawfordford where crows gatherMaleEnglish
DaisyDay's eye. A flower name. Female
DaisyDay's eye. A flower name. Female
Dallinpride's peopleMaleEnglish
Danielmy judge is the LordMaleHebrew
Daphnelaurel, bay tree, victoryFemaleGreek
Darrengreat, rocky hillMaleIrish
DavidDearly loved MaleHebrew
DavisDavid's son MaleSurname
Deliavisible from delosFemaleGreek
DelilahDesired. Languishing. The Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret of his superhuman strength. FemaleArabic
Dexterdyer, right-handedMaleLatin
Domingoborn on a SundayMaleSpanish
Donaldruler of the world, brown strangerMaleScottish

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