Ocicat Cat Names, Names For Ocicat Kittens

Ocicat Cat NamesThe Ocicat is an all-domestic breed of cat which resembles a wild cat but has no wild DNA in its gene pool. The breed is unusual in that it is spotted like a wild cat but has the temperament of a domestic animal. Ocicats have almond shaped eyes. They also have large, strong bodies, muscular legs with dark markings, and powerful, oval shaped paws. One of the most striking things about these cats is the dark contrasting spots. Ocicats are friendly and sociable and are not often shy around strangers. This makes them good family pets. Check out our collection of Ocicat cat names for male or female kittens.

Aaronshining light, high mountain, messengerMaleHebrew
AbbotAbbey FatherUnisexEnglish
AbrahamMeaniing Father of a multitude Abraham the first of the Old Testament patriarchs. God changed it from Abram when He appointed him to be the father of the Hebrew nation. MaleHebrew
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
AceA nickname given to one who excels: also an English surname meaning noble. Unity. MaleLatin
Adahappy, ornamentFemale
AgrippinaMother Of NeroFemaleRoman
Alonzonoble, readyMaleItalian
AmosBrave MaleHebrew
AnnGrace, MercyFemaleEnglish
Augustmajestic, venerableMale
Averyruler of the elvesFemaleEnglish
Baileybailiff, fortification, ableFemaleOccupational
BearLarge mammal with large head, bulky body and coarse thick furMaleAnimal
Beaverafter the tv show Leave It To BeaverUnisex
BelleBeautiful womanFemaleShort
Benjaminson of my right handMaleHebrew

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