Naughty Male Cat Names, Naughty Boy Cat Names

Adamearth, created by GodMaleHebrew
Adrianrich, wealthy, dark oneMaleLatin
ArrowA straight, thin, pointed shaft shot from a bowMaleWord
Atticusfrom AtticaMaleLatin
Big BoyUnisexHebrew
Blakefair-haired, pallidMaleEnglish
BlazeLisp: stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy: mathematician: scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine. MaleLatin
BulletA metal cylinder shot from a rifle or gun. Used to express speed.Male
Byronafter Lord ByronMaleEnglish
CalebThe bold oneMaleHebrew
CasanovaA man who is gallantly attentive to women.Male
Caspianfrom C.S. Lewis The Chronicles of NarniaMalePlace
Charliea man: variant of Carl. MaleEnglish
Connorlover of houndsMaleIrish
Coreyraven, from the hollowMaleIrish
Curtiscourteous, politeMale
Danielmy judge is the LordMaleHebrew
Darcy from ArcyMaleEnglish
DashTo move with haste, to rush. Punctuation. Long sound in Morse code.MaleEnglish
DominiqueBelonging to GodMale
DylanMan of the seaMaleWelsh

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