Mythical Cat Names, Names Inspired By Mythology And Folklore

Mythical Cat NamesMythology and folklore are great source for cat names, many mythical gods and goddesses are strong and brave, and they good names for your boy or girl kittens with strength and courage. If you like mythical cat names, you could consider this collection of cat names inspired by gods and goddesses from Roman and Greek mythology, you will surely like these mythological kitten names.

Adonisman loved by aphrodite, handsome,.MaleGreek
Ajapronounced AsiaMaleHindi
AlmaSpanish for soulFemaleLatin
AngelAngel MaleWord
Angussuperb, uniqueMaleAnglicized
AnubisRoyal ChildFemaleGreek
AphroditeGoddess of LoveFemaleGreek
Apollothe mythological god of light and truthMaleGreek
Aresgod of warUnisex
Aries"a ram"MaleLatin
ArthurStrong as a rock, noble, follower of ThorMaleCeltic
AthenaGoddess of WarFemaleGreek
AtlasEndures, SuffersMaleGreek
Atticusfrom AtticaMaleLatin
BalderViking mythology: The God of lightUnisex
BaliMighty warriorFemaleSanskrit
BaneA centaur. Male
BastOf The City Of BubastisUnisexAfrican
BastetEgyptian cat-goddessUnisex

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