Japanese Bobtail Cat Names, Names For Japanese Bobtail Kittens

Japanese Bobtail Cat NamesThe Japanese Bobtail is a breed of domestic cat with an unusual bobbed tail more closely resembling the tail of a rabbit than that of other cats. The variety is native to Japan and Southeast Asia, though it is now found throughout the world. The breed has been known in Japan for centuries, and it frequently appears in traditional folklore and art. Check out our collection of Japanese Bobtail cat names for your male or female kittens.

Abigail"my father is joyful"FemaleHebrew
AikoLove, beloved one, little loveFemaleJapanese
AkiBrilliant AutumnMaleJapanese
Akinaspring flowerFemale
Akiraanchor, IntelligentFemaleJapanese
Anekoolder sisterFemaleJapanese
AyameJapanese for irisUnisex
Bunnylittle rabbitFemaleNickname
CaramelA smooth chewy candyUnisex
Charlottepetite and femininewoman, feminine of CharlesFemale
ChikaJapanese - Near, African - Power of GodFemale
ChikakoWise ChildUnisexJapanese
CocoA pet name. FemaleSpanish
CocoA pet name. FemaleSpanish
CocoA pet name. FemaleSpanish
CookieA small flat, crisp cakeFemale
EmiBeautiful, BlessedUnisexJapanese

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