Irish Cat Names, Page 6

GabrielGod is my strength MaleHebrew
Gallaghereager aideMaleIrish
GarrettSpear, BraveMaleEnglish
GilroyServant of the KingUnisex
GiolladheGolden Male
GiynnaOf the glen Female
GlaleannaDwells in the glen Male
GlendaHoly And GoodFemaleCeltic
GlennaOf the glen FemaleIrish
GlionaFrom the Greek Cleone daughter of a river god Female
GobinetIrish form of Abigail bringsjoy Female
GodfreyGod's peaceMaleTeutonic
Gradynoble, illustriousMaleIrish
GuinnessBrand of stout beer from Ireland.Unisex
Haleyhay fieldFemaleEnglish
HoganYouth Surname. MaleIrish
HoireabardSoldier Male
HonorHonor Female
HonoraHonor FemaleLatin
HonoriaHonor FemaleLatin
HrothrehrFamous ruler Male
Hughbright in mind and spiritMaleEnglish

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