Hebrew Cat Names, Page 11

JessicaGod's graceFemaleHebrew
JessyGod's Gracious GiftUnisexHebrew
JettJet Black GemMaleEnglish
Jezebelfollower of idolsFemaleHebrew
Joannaafter the character in The Rescuers Down Under cartoonFemaleEnglish
JoaquinaGod shall establish FemaleSpanish
JobThe PersecutedMaleHebrew
JockGod has been gracious: has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. MaleScottish
JodieFrom Judith - Admired and praisedUnisex
JoelGod is willing, Jehova is the LordMaleHebrew
JoelleJehovah is God Female
JoellenJehovah is God. Feminine of Joel. Female
JohnGod is mercifulMaleHebrew
JolaGod is willingFemaleHebrew
JonGod is gracious; or gift of JehovahMaleEnglish
JonahDove. In the bible Jonah was on board a ship God caused to sink: sailors traditionally use the name Jonah to personify someone who brings bad luck. MaleHebrew
JonasDove. Variant of Hebrew Jonah. MaleGreek
JonathanGod givesMaleHebrew
Jonathongift of JehovahMaleSpelling
JordanThe descending river, to flowMaleHebrew
JordyFlow, DescendUnisexEnglish

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