Happy Cat Names, Page 4

MickeyAbbreviation of Michael and Micah Who is like God? MaleEnglish
MiloMerciful. MaleLatinized
MiloMerciful. MaleLatinized
MollyBitter FemaleEnglish
NalaAfrican for love, after the character in the Lion King moviesFemaleAfrican
Naomipleasent one; above all, beautyFemaleHebrew
Nemofrom the glenMaleGreek
OliverThe olive tree. The biblical olive tree symbolizes fruitfulness and beauty and dignity. Extending an olive branch signifies an offer of peace. MaleLatin
PeterA rock. Peter the biblical fisherman and apostle had impulsive nature and rocklike faith. In Catholic tradition he is the first pope. MaleGreek
PollyBitter FemaleEnglish
PollyBitter FemaleEnglish
Rafahappiness, prosperityFemaleArabic
RemyBrand of French cognacMale
Rexafter the Rex Banner character in The Simpsons cartoonsMaleLatin
RobinFamed: bright: shining Form of Robert popular since the medieval days of Robin Hood. Robinson: (English) Son of Robert Famed: bright: shining. Surname. Male
RosieFrom Rose - The most beautiful of flowersFemaleEnglish
RowenaWhite haired FemaleWelsh
RufusRed hairedMaleLatin
SebastianAn august personMaleLatin

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