Grey Cat Names, Page 10

HodHooded Male
HonorHonor Female
HughesSurname. Male
IdurreReference to the Virgin Mary Female
IleannaVariant of Elena. Female
IndigoA dark blue plant dyeFemaleGreek
Isabelconcecrated to GodFemaleSpanish
JabulelaBe happy Female
JacquelineFeminine form of Jacques Female
Jam And JellyUnisex
JasperBlack stone MalePersian
JasperBlack stone MalePersian
JasperBlack stone MalePersian
JavierBorn in January MaleSpanish
JerardoVariant of Gerard Rules by the spear. Male
JerroldVariant of Gerald Rules by the spear. Male
JillianJove's child. Variant of Gillian from the masculine Julian. FemalePhonetic
JinxCharm, SpellFemaleLatin
JoaquinAbbreviation of the Hebrew name Jehoichin meaning Jehovah has established. Joaquin Miller the colorful 19th century poet-adventurer of the American west. MaleSpanish
JohnnieModern feminine of John and Jon. MaleEnglish
JordanaDown flowing. The river in Palestine where Jesus was baptized has been used as a given name since the Crusades. FemaleHebrew

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