Cute Cat Names, Page 3

AthenaGoddess of WarFemaleGreek
Aubreyelf ruleFemaleEnglish
AudreyStrong and nobleFemaleEnglish
Aureliathe golden oneFemaleLatin
AustinFrom Augustine - Exalted oneMaleEnglish
AutumnSeason between summer and winter.Female
AvaCute and short girl kitten name. FemaleLatin
Averyruler of the elvesFemaleEnglish
BabeA baby. Slang for young womanFemaleWord
BalthazarOne of the three Wise Men. A bottle of wine that has the equivalant of 12 bottles total. MalePhoenician
BanditAn outlaw or robberMaleWord
BarbieTraveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. FemaleEnglish
Barnabasso named for Barnabas Collins of Dark ShadowsMaleAramaic
Barnessomeone who lives or works near the barnMaleEnglish
Bartholomewfurrow, hillMaleAramaic
BashfulShy and self-consciousUnisex
BearLarge mammal with large head, bulky body and coarse thick furMaleAnimal
BeckyThe EnsnarerFemaleEnglish
Belindabeautiful snakeFemaleSpanish
BellaBeautiful FemaleEnglish

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