Colorpoint Shorthair Cat Names, Page 8

CocoA pet name. FemaleSpanish
CocoA pet name. FemaleSpanish
CocoA pet name. FemaleSpanish
Colbycoal townMaleEnglish
Colbycoal townMaleEnglish
Colby JackUnisexHebrew
CookieA small flat, crisp cakeFemale
CooperBarrel makerMaleEnglish
CopperA reddish brown metal - as in copper penny coins. Also slang for a police officer.FemaleWord
CopperA reddish brown metal - as in copper penny coins. Also slang for a police officer.FemaleWord
Cosettelittle thingFemale
CosmoOrder, universe. MaleItalian
CricketA leaping insectFemaleNature
CrystalVariant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female
CrystalVariant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female
CuddlesTo nestle or snuggle.Unisex
CupcakeSmall cake baked in a cup shaped containerUnisex
CutieA cute character.Female
Cutie PieUnisexHebrew
DaiseyDay`S Eye. A Flower Name.UnisexEnglish
DaisyDay's eye. A flower name. Female
DaisyDay's eye. A flower name. Female

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