Chartreux Cat Names, Names For Chartreux Kittens

Chartreux Cat NamesThe Chartreux is a rare breed of domestic cat from France. The Chartreux is large and muscular, with relatively short, fine-boned limbs, and very fast reflexes. They are known for their blue water-resistant short hair double coats which are often slightly nappy in texture and orange- or copper-colored eyes. Chartreux cats are also known for their "smile": due to the structure of their heads and their tapered muzzles, they often appear to be smiling. Check out our collection of Chartreux cat names for male or female kittens.

Abigail"my father is joyful"FemaleHebrew
Adahappy, ornamentFemale
Adelaidenoble kind, adornedFemaleVariant
Agnespure, virginalFemaleGreek
Aidajoyful, helper, rewardFemaleArabic
AlisaHappy FemaleHebrew
AlixVariation Of Alexander. Defender Of Mankind.FemaleFrench
AlizaJoy. Joyful. FemaleHebrew
Allegrobrisk, sprightlyFemaleItalian
Amelieafter the movieFemale
Anatolefrom the EastMaleGreek
AndreManly; Brave. Variant Of English Andrew.MaleFrench
AngelAngel MaleWord
Anoukafter Anouk AimeeFemaleDutch
AntonLatin, priceless oneMale
Aramisone of the three muskateersMale
Asherfortunate, lucky, blessed, happyMaleHebrew
Astridstar, super strength, divine strengthFemaleNorse

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