Celtic Cat Names, Page 8

KeeferBarrelmaker Variation of Cooper. Surname. Male
KeeganA thinker: fiery. Form of Hugh. MaleIrish
KeenanAncient MaleIrish
KeeneAncient. Male
KeeshaHer LifeUnisexAfrican
KeganA thinker: fiery. Form of Hugh. Male
KeiranLittle, DarkUnisexCeltic
KeirstenVariant of Kirsten. Female
Kellercellar masterMale
KellyLively: aggressive. FemaleIrish
Kelvinname of a river; from the narrow riverMaleScottish
Kendallruler of the valleyFemaleEnglish
Kennedymisshapen headFemaleIrish
Kermitfree manMaleIrish
Kerrydark, dark-hairedMaleIrish
KiraDark Lady. FemaleRussian
KyleA place-name referring to the narrows: a wood or a church. MaleScottish
LaverniaBorn in the spring Female
Lennonsmall cloak or capeMaleIrish
Lesliedweller in the gray castle; small meadowFemaleScottish
LiamForm of William. MaleIrish
LincolnCapital of Nebraska, USA. Old English: home by the pondMaleEnglish

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