20 Flower Cat Names For Your Floral Kittens

Flowers provide lots of inspirations and ideas when coming up to girl names. Of course you could name your girl kitty after one of those flower-inspired names. Here comes our selection of 20 unique flower-inspired cat names for your floral kitten friends. Just feel free to choose your favorite name from the below list for your male or female cats.

Acacia: Innocent and honest. Also a genus of shrubs and trees belonging to the subfamily Mimosoideae.

Azalea: Azalea is one of the fresher flower names, consider this brilliant pink springtime blossom with a touch of the exotic and passion.
Begonia: A flowering plant, named after Michel Begon, French governor of Santo Domingo and a patron of botany.
Birch: Birch.
Cedar: From the English word for the coniferous tree. Cedar is a fresh and fragrant nature name more apt to be used for a boy.
Dahlia: Valley. Also the flower named for 18th-century Swedish botanist Anders Dahl.
Daisy: Day's eye, also a flower with a yellow disk and white rays. Often used as a nickname for Margaret. Henry James named the typical American girl in Europe as Daisy Miller in his story.
Fleur: Flower. Also one of the main character in John Galsworthy's novel "The Forsyte Saga".
Flora: Flower. Also the Roman goddess of spring.
Gardenia: Garden's flower.
Ivy: An evergreen climbing ornamental plant which represents fidelity and eternity.
Jasmine: A delicate and aromatic flower name, made popular by Princess Jasmine from Disney's Aladdin.
Laurel: A medium light hue of greenish gray similar to Asparagus, but lighter.
Lily: Lily is a girl name of Latin origin, and the meaning of the name Lily is flower name, pure. The name Lily has been a symbol of innocence and purity as well as beauty, due to its cool elegance and lovely sound. Lily is a favorite of celebrity parents, including Kate Beckinsale, Greg Kinnear, Fred Savage, and Johnny Depp. It is also an authors' favorite, for instance Lily Bart, Lily Owens, Lily Tomlin and Lily Allen.
Magnolia: Magnolia is a sweet-smelling Southern belle of a name, and it is a flower name.
Oleander: Oleander is an evergreen shrub or small tree with white, pink, or red flowers. Oleanders have a deceptively pretty bloom and sweet scent, they're actually one of the most poisonous plants on Earth. Despite the plant's dangerous association, the name itself has a sweet, artsy sound.
Peony: Flower name. As a Chinese name motif, the peony signifies riches and honor.
Petunia: A humble-looking flower with white or pink blossoms.
Poppy: Poppy is a girl's name of Latin origin, and it is a flower name. Poppy makes an especially good choice for a redhead. Jamie Oliver used Poppy for his daughter Poppy Honey Rosie, as did Anthony Edwards, Jessica Capshaw, and Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer.
Tulip: One of the most unusual flower names.

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