Biology Cat Names, Names Inspired by Biology or Biologists

Biology Cat NamesBiology is the science of life, biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms. When coming up to cat names, you could get lots of inspirations from biology. Nature-inspired names such as bird names, fish names, flower names, tree names, and other animal names are all good options. Of course you could get inspirations from biologists and scientists. Check out our collection of biology cat names and choose your favorite names for male or female kittens.

AdairFrom the oak tree ford. MaleScottish
Adolphnoble wolf, noble heroMale
Adolphus"noble wolf"MaleLatin
AmarisAmaris meaning child of the moon is the astrological name for Cancer. Female
AmarissaAmaris meaning child of the moon is the astrological name for Cancer. FemaleCombination
AmberA hard brownish-yellow fossil resin, precious jewelFemaleWord
Amonthe hiddenMale(Ay-mon)
AshAsh tree. MaleEnglish
Ashbyash tree farmFemaleEnglish
AshfordLives By The Ash-Tree FordUnisexEnglish
AshleeAsh Tree MeadowUnisexEnglish
AshleighFrom The Ash TreeUnisexEnglish
AshlyLives In The Ash-Tree FordUnisexEnglish
AshlynRoots: Ashley&LynFemaleEnglish
AshlynneBeautiful Ash Tree MeadowUnisexEnglish
Ashtonash trees placeMaleEnglish
AvaCute and short girl kitten name. FemaleLatin
Axeldivine reward; divine source of lifeMale
BainbridgeLives Near The Bridge Over The White WaterMaleEnglish

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