Female Balinese Cat Names, Girl Balinese Cat Names

AbbyMy father rejoices. Biblical: the name of King David's third wife described as good in discretion and beautiful in form. FemaleEnglish
Adahappy, ornamentFemale
AdelaPleasant: Of the nobility. Noble. Female
Agathagood, kindFemaleGreek
Aidajoyful, helper, rewardFemaleArabic
AikoLove, beloved one, little loveFemaleJapanese
AkerEgyptian mythology: the lion who guards the gates of dawnUnisex
AlFrom The Name AlbertUnisexGerman
AlFrom The Name AlbertUnisexGerman
Alabamavegetation gatherersFemalePlace-name
AlfredoElf CounselorUnisexItalian
AlohaOne Who As A Loving, Kind HeartUnisexHawaiian
AlphaFirst BornFemaleGreek
AmazonTall, strong woman. Second longest river in the world located in Brazil.Unisex
AmberA hard brownish-yellow fossil resin, precious jewelFemaleWord
AmbrosiaDivine, immortal one. The food of the Gods. Dessert with oranges and flaked coconut.FemaleGreek
Amethysta precious stoneFemale
AmiraFemale Arabian name, meaning princessFemaleHebrew

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