Attractive Cat Names, Page 5

Edmundfortunate protectorMaleEnglish
EdwardGuardian MaleEnglish
Elenathe bright oneFemaleSpanish
Elenilight or torchFemaleGreek
EliseForm of ElizabethFemale
ElizabethMy God is bountiful:God of plenty. Elizabeth was mother of John the Baptist in the bible. In England Queen Elizabeth I and II.One of the most frequently used names in England. FemaleHebrew
Elliotthe Lord is my GodMaleAnglicization
ElliottThe Lord is my GodMaleEnglish
EmersonBrave: powerful. Female
Emiliowinning one or flattererMaleSpanish
Emilynamed after Emily Bronte and Emily DickinsonFemaleEnglish
EmmaOne who heals the universe. Universal, all-embracingFemale
Emmetthard worker, truthMaleHebrew
ErikEver Powerful RulerUnisexCzechoslovakian
Ethanstrong, firm, constantMaleHebrew
EvelynLife FemaleEnglish
Eziofriend, loverMaleGreek
Ezrahelper, salvationMaleHebrew
FeliciaProsperous, JoyfulFemaleHungarian
FelixLucky MaleLatin
Finleyfair-haired heroFemaleIrish
FinnBlond MaleIrish
FordA shallow place in water where one can cross. river crossing.MaleEnglish

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