Asian Cat Names, Malayan Cat Names

Asian Cat NamesThe Asian, also known as the Malayan, is a cat breed similar to the Burmese but in a range of different coat colours and patterns. Longhaired Asians of all varieties are called Tiffanies. The breed was developed in Britain. It is a medium-sized cat, with a muscular and compact body, which is devoid of fat. It has a broad and rounded chest, and slender legs. Asians are very affectionate and lovable,. It is inquisitive, and loves to explore the house. It has a strong will. It often enjoys traveling in a cat carrier. Check out our collection of Asian cat names for male or female Malayan kittens.

Aaliyahhigh exalted, to ascendFemaleEnglish
AbbaFather MaleHebrew
AbdulServant ofMaleArabic
Abraand Cadabra?FemaleHebrew
Aishaliving, prosperousFemaleArabic
AkiBrilliant AutumnMaleJapanese
Akilintelligent, logicalUnisex
Akiraanchor, IntelligentFemaleJapanese
AliMuslim - Noble, Exalted, God, little, the highestMaleArabic
AllieOf Noble BirthFemaleGerman
Altairbird, starMaleArabic
Alva"his highness"MaleHebrew
AmberA hard brownish-yellow fossil resin, precious jewelFemaleWord
AmiraFemale Arabian name, meaning princessFemaleHebrew
Ashahope, lifeFemaleHindi
Ayesha3rd wife of MohammedFemaleEnglish
Azizaprecious one in a few different languagesFemaleHebrew

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