Artistic Cat Names, Names After Noted Artists

Artistic Cat NamesNaming a new born kitten is always not easy, here you can find some creative cat names from the names of artists. Artistic cat names are cool and creative, and they will add some colors to the life of your little kitten. Come on and take inspiration from one of these noted photographers, painters, or other artists. The artist world offers plenty of options for naming your beloved cat, check out the below list and pick your favorite one.

AddisonAdam's sonFemaleEnglish
AddyNoble, KindUnisexEnglish
AlbertoForm Of AlbertUnisexSpanish
AlbrechtNoble, BrightUnisexGerman
Alexanderprotector of mankindMaleGreek
AliceTruth, nobleFemale
AlmaSpanish for soulFemaleLatin
Andrewmanly, valiant, courageousMaleGreek
AndyGreek, "strong and manly"MaleEnglish
Angelicadivine messengerFemaleItalian
AnniePrayer FemaleEnglish
ArmaniBrand of men's clothingMalePersian
Barbaraforeign, strange, exotic, mysteriousFemaleLatin
BayBorn In July, Seventh-Born SonMaleVietnamese
BeckyThe EnsnarerFemaleEnglish
BillieDetermination: strength. A nickname for William. FemaleEnglish
Blakefair-haired, pallidMaleEnglish
Camilleyoung ceremonial attendantFemale
CarlyLittle and womanly. Alternate Spelling: Carlie. FemaleFeminine
Ceciliablind oneFemaleLatin

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