Arabian Mau Cat Names, Names For Arabian Mau Kittens

Arabian Mau Cat NamesThe Arabian Mau is a formal breed of domestic cat, originated from the desert cat, a short-haired landrace native to the desert of the Arabian Peninsula. It lives there in the streets and has adapted very well to the extreme climate. It is medium in size, with a body structure that is rather large and firm, not particularly slender, and with well developed musculature. The legs are comparatively long, with oval paws. Arabian Mau cats have very loving temperaments. Check out our collection of Arabian Mau cat names for male or female kittens.

Aaliyahhigh exalted, to ascendFemaleEnglish
AbbaFather MaleHebrew
AbdulServant ofMaleArabic
Abraand Cadabra?FemaleHebrew
Aishaliving, prosperousFemaleArabic
Akilintelligent, logicalUnisex
AliMuslim - Noble, Exalted, God, little, the highestMaleArabic
AllieOf Noble BirthFemaleGerman
Altairbird, starMaleArabic
Alva"his highness"MaleHebrew
AmberA hard brownish-yellow fossil resin, precious jewelFemaleWord
AmiraFemale Arabian name, meaning princessFemaleHebrew
Antarafter a character in Arabic literature known for his braveryUnisex
ArzuTurkish for desireUnisex
Ashahope, lifeFemaleHindi
Ayesha3rd wife of MohammedFemaleEnglish
Azizaprecious one in a few different languagesFemaleHebrew
BatalFemale Arabian name, meaning heroUnisex
BataleFemale Arabian name, meaning heroineUnisex
BaydaFemale Arabian name, meaning whiteUnisex
Bibilady of the houseFemale

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