Amish Cat Names, Kitten Names of Amish Origin

Amish Cat NamesThe Amish are a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships, closely related to but distinct from Mennonite churches, with whom they share Swiss Anabaptist origins. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, and reluctance to adopt many conveniences of modern technology. Today, the most traditional descendants of the Amish continue to speak Pennsylvania German, also known as "Pennsylvania Dutch." Check out our collection of Amish cat names and pick your own Amish names for male or female kittens.

Aaronshining light, high mountain, messengerMaleHebrew
AbeFather Of A MultitudeMaleHebrew
Abigail"my father is joyful"FemaleHebrew
Albertnoble and brightMaleEnglish
AlbrechtNoble, BrightUnisexGerman
AmosBrave MaleHebrew
AndyGreek, "strong and manly"MaleEnglish
AnnGrace, MercyFemaleEnglish
AnnaArthur's sister FemaleGreek
AnniePrayer FemaleEnglish
Bakerafter the mountain in North Carolina, USAMaleEnglish
Barbaraforeign, strange, exotic, mysteriousFemaleLatin
Bethhouse of godFemaleEnglish
BettyDevoted to God FemaleEnglish
Big BenUnisexHebrew
BootsieCollins PussycatUnisex
Bowmanthe archerUnisex
BridgetStrength. Mythological Celtic goddess of fire and poetry. FemaleAnglicized
CalebThe bold oneMaleHebrew
Chandlercandle makerMale
CharityAffection, Charity, Brotherly LoveFemaleLatin

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