American Shorthair Cat Names, Page 6

JewelJewel FemaleWord
JockGod has been gracious: has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. MaleScottish
JodieFrom Judith - Admired and praisedUnisex
JonahDove. In the bible Jonah was on board a ship God caused to sink: sailors traditionally use the name Jonah to personify someone who brings bad luck. MaleHebrew
JordanThe descending river, to flowMaleHebrew
JuliaYouthful FemaleLatin
JulieYouthful: Jove's child. A feminine of Julian. Female
JuniorYouthful person. Used to distinguish son from father where they have the same nameMaleLatin
Justinejust, trueFemale
Katosecond of twinsMaleAfrican
KellyLively: aggressive. FemaleIrish
KennyEnglish, born of fire, handsomeMaleEnglish
KikiFrom Enriqueta - PetFemale
KikiFrom Enriqueta - PetFemale
Kirbychurch settlementMaleNorse
Kirstenchristian; stone churchFemaleScandinavian
LafayetteHound Dog from the AristoCats Male
Lanceknight's attendant; landMaleEnglish
LancelotKnight of Arthur and lover of Guinevere Male

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